If It's Not Pink, Will Anyone Notice?
Every year in New England when the calendar turns to September we feel the change in the weather start to feel like fall. I start to think about the rest of year and what I can do to make a difference. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month (LCAM) and it's just around the corner. And it comes on the heals of the annual pink washing that will take place in October for Breast Cancer Awareness. I always thought I did my part as a lung cancer survivor and advocate to "raise awareness" during November. But have I made a difference? On self reflection I don't think that I have done as much as I could, so I am going to change that. Me with former Congressman Rick Nolan, a champion for lung cancer research In past years I have shared my lung cancer story and attended rallies with other advocates to bring attention to lung cancer research and express what it means to me. I've always been happy to do so. But this year I am in a different mindset and want to do more. Can ...