In Your Face! ...It's Not Just Pie In The Sky
When speaking with people about cancer research over the years I often heard that a cure, or even advanced targeted treatments (especially for lung cancer) are just "pie in the sky" thinking. Of course, in my response now, I point to precision medicine approaches to treatment now available due to advances in genomic understanding about specific mutations in cancer. I heard the exact same thing a couple years ago when speaking with a parent of a child with Fragile X syndrome who asked me if using CRISPR to treat Fragile X was just "pie in the sky" - as in, is there a chance it could work, or is it just impossible? As an optimistic person, my answer was that given how rapidly technologies such as gene therapy and next generation sequencing are evolving, many things that seemed impossible are definitely not pie in the sky, even for complex disorders like Fragile X or diseases such as lung cancer. The context of that conversation was an article she had read about h...